Louis Staples
Mar 12, 2019
In the blissful time before Donald Trump was president, 2012 presidential runner-up Mitt Romney was considered “odd” or “unrelatable”.
Try as he might, Romney often came across in a similar manner to how Brits regard embattled bacon sandwich eater Ed Miliband or current prime minister Theresa “Robo” May.
Though, despite the fact that his weirdness has now been eclipsed by virtually every member of the Trump administration and family, there’s no denying Romney has his odd moments, like the time he was seen ironing his clothes while wearing them.
But now Romney has been captured doing something even weirder.
When presented with a birthday cake, Romney decided to blow out each candle individually, as opposed to the normal way of blowing them out all at once and making a wish.
The clip, which went viral on Twitter, has a lot of people talking.
It’s fair to say the internet has feelings.
Others were more concerned by the fact that the cake appeared to be made out of Twinkies.
Though Romney did have defenders, with many pointing out that his technique is actually sanitary and considerate.

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