Darren Richman
Jul 22, 2019

Donald Trump has gone from a national embarrassment to a national embarrassment in the highest office imaginable.
Perhaps the strangest thing about Trump’s rise is that the more horrifying his attitudes, the more popular he becomes with his core fanbase. In an age where an old tweet can lead to a sacking, the President is viciously racist on a daily basis and exhibits all manner of despicable traits without any noticeable difficulties clinging onto power. Talk about failing upwards.
This week an outspoken supporter of Trump has been stripped of her Miss Michigan title for tweets entirely in keeping with the rhetoric of the president. What this would appear to suggest is that Miss World now has higher standards than the White House.
Kathy Zhu, who was born in China and moved to the United States at the age of 5, tweeted about hijab-wearing and gun violence in tweets that have subsequently been deleted. One read:
There is a 'try a hijab on' booth at my college campus. So you're telling me that it's now just a fashion accessory and not a religious thing? Or are you just trying to get women used to being oppressed under Islam?
Another offending tweet read as follows:
Did you know the majority of black deaths are caused by other blacks? Fix problems within your own community first before blaming others.
It’s a particularly strange approach given beauty pageant contenders are generally all about hoping for world peace and us all, well, just getting along.
Zhu however stands by her views and believes she is the victim of prejudice, later sharing various email and text message exchanges apparently between herself and the Miss World America's chief director.
In the exchanges shared by Zhu, she doubles down on her statements regarding 'blacks killing blacks' and offers to personally return her Miss World sash and crown, ending the conversation by saying:
'I hope you find a better candidate that will advocate for brainless ideals like "world peace"'
Later this weekend in a tweet she also commented:
I am glad this story came to light because this is more than just some beauty pageant, this is about the prejudice views against people with 'different opinions.
With a further follow up stressing that her statements had been taken out of context.
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