
Miley Cyrus updates ‘Santa Baby’ with feminist lyrics for 2018

With its list of demands for a yacht, convertible and decorations bought at Tiffany’s, the song ‘Santa Baby’ is not exactly a feminist anthem.

But luckily, Miley Cyrus has now updated the 1950s Christmas classic for the #MeToo generation.

In her version, Cyrus said she doesn't need Santa's presents because she can buy her "own damn stuff".

She added:

Listen Santa to what I say, a girl's best friend is... equal pay.

Stop interrupting me when I talk, and don’t text me pictures of your…

The next word is then interrupted by the sound of a phone ringing.

Cyrus performed the song on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, after pointing out that that the original lyrics ask for gifts in exchange for a “hook up with Santa”.

The original song was recorded in 1953 by Eartha Kitt and features a woman who tells Santa that she has been "an awful good girl" and asks for "a ring".

In her version, Cyrus ended the song with the lines:

Santa baby, I'd love to know my ass won't get grabbed at work, by some ignorant jerk.

Tell the dirt-bag to put away the chimney tonight

Nice work Miley.

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