
Michael Gove tried to use a bizarre kitchen analogy to justify a Brexit delay and it backfired spectacularly

Michael Gove is still in the Tory leadership contest after the third round of votes and, as a keen Brexiteer, he wants to ensure that the UK leaves the EU on 31 October.

However, during an appearance on LBC Radio on Wednesday evening, Gove tried to convince a woman, who said that she had voted leave in 2016, that another short delay to Brexit if necessary would be to the UK's benefit.

Elizabeth from Clacton wanted to emphasise that she believed that the Brexit day should happen no later than 31 October, but Gove gave a very odd analogy about a new kitchen to try and get his point over. He said:

Let's imagine that you were having a new kitchen fitted. The people said you were going to have it all in by the 31st.

Let's imagine on October 31st, you had a wonderful new fridge, a great dishwasher and a cooker, but the hob hadn't arrived for the cooker.

Would you say at that time, 'rip out my kitchen, it has not all been delivered on October 31st'.

Or would you wait a day or two for the hob to come in order to make sure that your perfect new kitchen was there?

Unfortunately for Gove, this unorthodox attempt to win over a sceptical voter couldn't have gone more wrong as Elizabeth immediately shot down his analogy.

No, I would rip it out because we've been ripped off enough.

A perplexed Gove replies:

So if your kitchen was 98% installed, all you needed was the hob and it would take one extra day, you would say it doesn't matter how much time and money has been spent on it, rip it out, I'd go back to the manky old kitchen I had before?

Yet, Elizabeth stood firm and doubled down on her answer:

Yes, I'd want my money back.

This quite astounding moment seemed to slightly take Gove aback, while host Iain Dale watched on in amusement.

During the Monday evening BBC debate between the candidates for the next prime minister, Gove said that he would be prepared to allow for "extra time" if a deal was believed to be on the horizon.


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