
Michael Gove inexplicably tried to speak in a 'cool' accent and everyone is confused

After years of seemingly trying to relocate his accent some 300 miles south, it appears Michael Gove has his sights set on breaking America.

In the wake of Boris Johnson and the EU announcing they had agreed a workable Brexit deal, Mr. Gove was interviewed by Andrew Neil, live from parliament.

Insisting that the choice for MPs now lay between Mr. Johnson’s deal or no deal, he was asked:

What would the government do if Labour succeeded in getting a referendum amendment attached to this deal?

Channelling his inner southern sheriff in a manner reminiscent of when Buzz Lightyear got returned to his factory setting in Toy Story 3, Mr. Gove replied:

Ain’t gonna happen. There ain’t gonna be no second referendum.

While we apologise for any discomfort this clip has caused, at least we can thank Mr. Gove for reminding us of a time when Tory politicians were merely cringeworthy rather than alarming.

Twitter had a field day.

But while Mr. Gove pushed his capacity for language to new extremes to insist there won't be another referendum, was he actually trying to tell us another story?

More: Michael Gove trolled with sand portrait 'visible from space' in latest Led By Donkeys stunt

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