
Men reveal the most difficult parts about being a man and the answers will probably surprise you

The expectations placed on both men and women aren’t always easy to fulfil.

Gender norms often hurt both sides, but men often suffer from not feeling able to talk about their problems.

Feminist writer Caitlin Moran has started a conversation on Twitter, asking men to tell her the things about their lives that they struggle with. We know that women have it worse in so many areas, from sexual harassment to equal pay, but that doesn’t mean life is perfect for men.

From baldness to feeling unable to talk, guilt over past behaviour, making the "first move" and mental health, the conversation really struck a chord with men online.

Some of the replies are hilarious…

But most of the replies are heartbreakingly honest, lifting the lid on the inner dilemmas that men experience but seldom talk about.

Obviously, a Twitter thread won't change wider culture, but it's heartening to see so many men being honest about these issues. It's clearly opened some minds already.

Together, if we keep talking, these things can slowly change.

More: This is why the concept of 'toxic masculinity' can be problematic

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