
Meghan McCain says that she feels 'victimised' by Trump's attacks on Ilhan Omar as she can 'no longer criticise her'

Meghan McCain, the daughter of former presidential candidate John McCain, has come under scrutiny following her comments criticising Donald Trump's racist comments about four congresswomen.

The 34-year-old, who is a regular guest on the American panel show The View,was speaking after Trump supporters chanted 'send her back' at a campaign rally in North Carolina on Wednesday.

During Thursday's edition of the show, McCain, who is a conservative, criticised Trump for turning the situation into something about racism as it prevents her from actually criticising Omar's policies.

Speaking about Trump and the 'send her back' chants, McCain said:

It was really dystopian. I was trying to go out to dinner and ignore politics. My family is in town, and came home and saw it on Twitter and then saw it on TV, and look.

Everyone at this table, and I think, people that watch this show or have ever seen the dumpster fire of my interview with Seth Meyers know I have been one of Ilhan Omar’s most vocal critics regarding Israel, regarding some of her comments I and others interpreted as anti-Semitic.

But the problem right now is, you’re taking away my agency to criticize her policy. You’re making this about race, xenophobia, racism. I think any time you’re hitting in a territory where you’re telling any American citizen of a different color than you, to send them back, I too didn’t think this is something I would see in my country, especially going into 2020.

Let me tell you, Republicans right now, we might be in power and have popularity and Trump's numbers might be real high but let me tell you it's my generation that is going to answer for this. Try selling conservatism to a younger generation when all they see in this kind of crap on TV and the Trump administration, all of you, Ivanka [Trump], Jared [Kushner] because you are around my age range, where are you in all of this? Because if my parents were doing this...

Nobody on the panel disagreed with McCain and her line attacking Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner did elicit a round of applause from the audience, but he comments come across as tone-deaf given the increased racism that Omar has been on the end of for the best part of a week or more.

McCain found herself being ridiculed on social media after trying to act like she is also a victim of Trump's rhetoric.

McCain has since responded to the criticism and apologised for the language that she used, adding that she is striving for a more 'productive conversation all around'.

HT Raw Story

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