
Meet the Army's official animal mascots, who get a salary, rations and a military rank

The Irish Guards’ official mascot, wolfhound Domhnall of Shantamon (
The Irish Guards’ official mascot, wolfhound Domhnall of Shantamon (

The British Army apparently employs nine official animal mascots.

For many regiments, it's a longstanding tradition and each has an army number, rank, gets paid a salary, and enjoys a ration.

The cohort is currently made up of two Shetland ponies, two drum horses, a dog, a ram, two goats, and an Indian buck.

Fusilier Llwelyn of the 1st Battalion of The Royal Welsh

Fusilier Llwelyn, a Kashmiri goat in the 1st Battalion of The Royal Welsh, is entitled to a ration of pasture forage and concentrate on tax payer money, for example, while the Irish Guards' Wolfhound Domhnall of Shantamon is treated to dog food.

There are many more unofficial army mascots and military pets - but just nine are formally enlisted.

Lance Corpral Cruachan IV of The Royal Regiment of Scotland

Apart from Llwelyn, only Lance Corporals Pegasus (pony), Cruachan (pony), Derby (ram) and Shenkin (another Kashmiri goat) have titles:

Here are the full details of the army's animal mascots:

List via Ned Donovan

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