Ellie Abraham
Feb 01, 2021

A Republican governor has come under fire for refusing to say whether Marjorie Taylor Greene is unfit to serve after she appeared to make known her support for the execution of Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi.
Last week, CNN reported that Green liked a Facebook comment in July 2019 that said "a bullet to the head would be quicker" to remove House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
In an interview on ABC News’ This Week, Governor Asa Hutchinson was asked the question by the reporter who said Trump-loyalist Greene has “long embraced conspiracy theories like QAnon, voiced support for executing Nancy Pelosi.” She continued asking: “Is she fit to serve?”
Hutchinson, the governor of Arkansas, refused to give his opinion on the matter, instead replying: “I'm not going to answer that question as to whether she's fit to serve, because she believes in something that everybody else does not accept.”
As footage of his interview has spread, Hutchinson has drawn much criticism for his refusal to condemn Greene’s reprehensible actions and dangerous beliefs. He has been accused of putting party loyalty above doing what is right.
Some were critical of his inference that because she was elected that should somehow let her off, as he said: “The people of her district elected her and that should mean a lot.”
Others likened Hutchinson’s evading of the question to an embrace of terrorism within the Republican party and were angry that something as serious as a supporting someone’s execution was not being explicitly denounced.
You’d hope party loyalty would draw the line at supporting an execution, but apparently not.
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