
Tory MP shares photo of ‘bizarre’ Margaret Thatcher cardboard cut out to celebrate Brexit deal

A Tory MP has bizarrely celebrated Brexit by sharing a picture of a cardboard cutout of Margaret Thatcher adding that ‘she is rejoicing in heaven.’

Sir David Amess, the Tory MP for Southend West shared a picture on Wednesday evening of a life-size cutout of the former prime minister who died in 2013. 

In his tweet, Amess wrote: "Whilst Margaret didn’t live long enough to see this day, I am sure that she is rejoicing in heaven. At last we ‘got Brexit done!’

Thatcher and the Conservatives supported Britain being a member of the European Economic Community in 1975 and the Single European Act, a forerunner of the single market, in 1986.

Thatcher did become more of a Eurosceptic towards the end of her tenure as prime minister so there would be some precedent for Thatcher’s involvement here.

Although we can’t begrudge Amess celebrating Brexit, the manner in which he chose to do so certainly raised some eyebrows as it was a curious way to mark leaving the completion of the Brexit deal which will come into power on 1st January.

The tweet has been shared more than 6,000 times since it was posted a 7:22 pm on Wednesday. One user called it ‘One of the more bizarre tweets of 2020 on many levels...’ 

Others pointed out some of Thatcher’s more pro-European tendencies. Labour MP Neil Coyle called the tweet ‘totally normal behaviour’ also highlighting ‘Thatcher’s contribution to building the Single Market to benefit British business.’

Author Emma Kennedy added “She invented the Single Market and liked being at the Top Table so I doubt it David.”

Still, we’re just still a bit perplexed as to where you can get a life-size cutout of Thatcher and why this photo appears to have been taken in the corridor of a hotel.

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