Louis Staples
May 04, 2018

Most people have been in a position at work where something has gone wrong and it’d be all too easy to blame someone else.
But we generally expect higher standards of politicians. Well, until 2018, anyway.
When US senator Marco Rubio had a problem with a news outlet’s coverage of his stance on a recent tax bill, he decided to blame this on an intern.
Rubio, who ran against president Trump in the Republican primaries, has faced criticism from conservatives in recent days for his less-than-supportive comments about Trump’s tax bill. The senator told the Economist that the corporate tax cuts in the bill were unlikely to help working class Americans.
He said:
There's no evidence whatsoever that the money's been massively poured back into the American worker.
This prompted Rubio to write a piece for the conservative magazine National Reviewto clarify his position.
Overall, the Republican tax-cut bill has been good for Americans. That is why I voted for it. But it could have been even better for American workers and their families.
When Politico covered his National Review column with a story headlined "Rubio walks back criticism of GOP tax law", the senator hit back.
He personally called out the piece's author, an intern, on Twitter.
Monica Lewinsky, who famously interned in the White House in the 1990s under president Bill Clinton, was less than impressed. The most famous intern of all time tweeted:
Do you want some ice for that burn, senator Rubio?
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