Bridie Pearson-Jones
May 19, 2017

Jakub Marian, one ofindy100's favourite map-makers, has created a map of Europe showing gun ownership rates per country. Specifically, the number of guns per 100 people.
Using data complied by the Washington Post, he showed that Switzerland and Finland have the most guns - with nearly one gun for every two people in the country (0.9 per cent).
Romania has the least of any European country, with only 7 guns per 100 people.
Using this data, we've put together a map of the world ranking each country by it's gun ownership.
The US rates top for ownership per 100 people, at 88.8 guns per 100 people. However, recent data puts the number even higher, at an incredible 112 per 100 people.
The US also - by far - has the most guns in total (270 million), nearly six times ahead of second place India at 46 million.
Brazil has the most total homicides by guns, 34,678 a year. The US comes in fifth with 9960 homicides by gun a year, behind Colombia (12,539), Mexico (11,309), and Venezuela (11,115).
Within the UK, Scotland has the least guns, only 5.5 per 100 citizens. England and Wales have 6.2 per 100 citizens and Northern Ireland has 21.9 per 100 citizens.
On the whole, the UK has 6.6 guns per 100 people, significantly lower than the global average of 10.2.
These figures don't include accidental shootings. In the US, there have been 5.6 unintentional shootings a day in the US since January 1 this year, according to the Gun Violence Archive.
More: This chart shows just how damaging America's gun laws are
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