A lonely stray dog roaming the streets on a snowy day in Turkey, was rescued by a stranger in the most heartwarming way.
A local was reviewing footage on a security camera when the film showed a mysterious man approach a stray dog, give him some food and – wait for it – give him the jacket he was wearing.
Here’s the footage; make sure you have some tissues at the ready:
The man has since been identified after the story went viral - his name is is Bülent Kalpakçıoğlu, a municipal worker in Giresun.
He told The Dodo:
If I did not give my jacket, it would have eaten at my conscience. While we are sitting warm at home, they are outside in the cold.
He has been awarded a special certificate by the mayor of Giresun:
More: Freezing stray dogs in Turkey are being wrapped in blankets by kind volunteers
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