The adults-wearing-pyjamas-in-public war is a longstanding one. It’s been fought on the school run, and now, the latest battleground is Tesco.
Chris Cooke left a comment on Tesco’s Facebook page, complaining about the attire of fellow shoppers.
He wrote:
Dear Tesco, please a rule in place that people like this will not be served in your stores. It’s bloody disgusting.
This was at 7pm last night at your Tesco Salford store and I have seen other people dressed similar on a regular basis.
I mean who doesn’t have the time to get changed into clothes to go shopping.
Tesco replied to say there was no formal dress code in their stores, but that he isn’t the only one to tell them seeing shoppers wearing “unsuitable clothing” makes them uncomfortable.
Joel Brackenbury, however, posted a more interesting response.
He wrote:
Dear Tesco, can you please put a rule in place that people like Mr. Cooke will not be served in your stores.
I for one find it uncomfortable to have to shop alongside people who spend their time taking photographs of strangers minding their own business rather than just ignoring things that do not affect them in any way, and have seen other people before making complaints on a similar basis.
I mean who doesn't have the time to just ignore these women and carry on shopping.
And people had some great responses:
More: A man complained to Tesco about a cucumber and it got way out of hand