Racism is no laughing matter. We know this.
There’s usually no funny side when an incident of racial discrimination occurs.
But just occasionally, the minority on the receiving end of the persecution gets to have the last laugh (although it comes at the expense of urm… having to experience racism).
So it was with celebrated author Malorie Blackman, who tweeted yesterday about being on the receiving end of overt prejudice, after penning a thread on racism prompted by a barrage of hateful comments on a picture she posted of civil rights icon Rosa Parks.
Blackman recalled going to an event she was booked to speak at about three years ago. Once she arrived, her way was blocked by two women who asked to see her ticket.
When Blackman opened her mouth to she didn't have a ticket, because she was Malorie Blackman, they cut her off.
“Then you'll have to leave,” the author remembered being told.
“It's sold out. You can't come in”.
Deliciously, Blackman – whose award-winning Noughts and Crosses series is being adapted for television – then was able to reveal her real identity.
“Red faces all round,” she tweeted.
She went on to say that she would have caused them even more embarrassment by immediately going home, if it wasn’t for her fans who’d paid money to see her speak.
Malorie said NOT TODAY.
And her followers chimed in with stories of their own brushes with turning the tables on prejudiced people.
There was the tale of the hijab-wearer who turned out to be integral to getting people home.
The church music director who watched a counterpart strike a bum note.
A man who made a serious miscalculation.
And the woman who showed someone the door.
Of course, funny as all those anecdotes are, racism is racism and no one should be on the receiving end, whatever their position.
But god almighty, isn't it so satisfactory to watch ignorant people squirm?