Sophia Ankel
Jan 20, 2019

The mother of the boy filmed harassing an elderly Native American at a rally whilst wearing a MAGA hat in Washington DC has come out and blamed "black Muslims" for her son's behaviour.
In an e-mail written to the website, the mother claimed that it was not the protester who was harrassed, but that it was actually the other way around.
She wrote:
Shame on you! Were you there? Did you hear the names the people where calling these boys? It was shameful.
Did you witness the black Muslims yelling profanities and video taping trying to get something to futher (sic) your narrative of hatred??
She continued:
Did you know that this “man” came up to this one boy and drummed in his face? Shame on you. Only reporting what you want. More fake news.
Footage of the harassment, which took place at an Indigenous People March in the capital on Friday, shows the boy in a confrontation with an elder of Nebraska's Omaha tribe and Vietnam war veteran Nathan Phillips.
While the incident sparked outrage on social media, the Catholic High School the boy is a student of, issued a statement apologising to Phillips:
We extend our deepest apologies to Phillips. This behavior is opposed to the Church's teachings on the dignity and respect of the human person.
HT Joe
More: The Native American protester has some powerful words about his MAGA harassment

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