Lowenna Waters
Jun 21, 2018

Love Island / YouTube
The charity Women's Aid has issued a warning about Adam's behaviour on Love Island, saying it displays 'warning signs' of emotional abuse.
The tension rose in the Love Island house on Tuesday night's episode, when 26-year-old Rosie confronted 22-year-old Adam about his dismissive behaviour towards her, and the fact he ditched her for new Islander Zara.
Audiences witnessed Adam tell Rosie that the fact he was now flirting with another woman was her own fault, and that she had "pushed him away" with her jealousy.
In a tense exchange, Rosie bravely argued her corner by confronting Adam, simply receiving a smirk in response.
I don’t think you have any idea how much you’ve hurt me and how much you’ve really upset me.
The worst thing is, I don’t think you actually care. You’re like stone.
In light of the argument, Women's Aid has come out in support of Rosie, and issued a statement suggesting that there are 'clear warning signs' in Adam's behaviour.
Katie Ghose, chief executive of Women’s Aid, said:
On the latest series of Love Island, there are clear warning signs in Adam’s behaviour.
In a relationship, a partner questioning your memory of events, trivialising your thoughts or feelings, and turning things around to blame you can be part of pattern of gaslighting and emotional abuse.
Despite 'gaslighting' being a form of abuse in a relationship, it isn't always easy for those on the receiving end to know that they're suffering abuse, or even to have the confidence in their own view to stand up to the treatment. Here are five warning signs of an abusive relationship that most people would dismiss:
1. Control
A partner dictating where and when their partner can go. People must feel free to go where they choose while in a relationship, otherwise they are being unnecessarily controlled.
2. Isolation
Isolation is an insidious form of abuse in a relationship, because it's often dressed up romance. Abusers often isolate their partners from those who could offer them love or care, such as friends or family.
3. Put downs
All couples occasionally mock one another, but jokes or 'unhelpful' criticisms where the person on the receiving end isn't 'allowed' to be upset are damaging. If you notice that you feel worse after these comments, make note of them, and reflect on how often your partner speaks down to you.
4. Following
Following a partner without consent constitutes abuse, and invasion of a person's personal space and privacy. Even if a gesture is meant in good faith, be clear of your boundaries, and speak up if their behaviour is making you uncomfortable.
5. Gaslighting
Gaslighting is a colloquial term that means when someone manipulates a partner into doubting their own sanity, or their understanding of events that have taken place. By abusing a partner in this way, the perpetrator forces the victim to question their own reality, thus allowing them to gain further control.
HT Cosmopolitan
More: The 7 red flags that show you your relationship is unhealthy
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