
London Tube worker gets head stuck in train doors during rush hour

"Please stand clear of the closing doors."

This, to 4.8 million passengers a day, is the signal to either get the hell on the train or stand back.

However, at 9.45am at St. Paul's station on the central line, a Tube worker's head became trapped between train doors after he had told commuters to stay clear.

The train had been stopped at St Paul's, and passengers were told that there was a fault and everyone had to get off.

Workers were checking the carriage, telling commuters to stay away from the doors. Then suddenly commuters noticed that a man had been caught in a shutting door with his head popping out, to the crowd's amusement.

Commuter Lily Smith filmed the scene ion her phone. She told theEvening Standard the man was the subject of an attempted rescue by a crowd of commuters, but the train remained stationary with the doors all but closed around his neck.

It was around ten minutes before the doors opened and the man was freed.

She said:

He did shout ‘can everyone stop taking pictures’ but it was in a jokey manner. 

I don't think he was hurt.

He continued to check the train once he was freed.

HT Evening Standard

More: This man raced a tube train and filmed the whole thing

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