We're all aware that politics is slowly but surely descending into farce, and with each day that Brexit approaches, things are getting more and more frantic.
But now, just to add insult to injury, it's been revealed that senior Tory Liz Truss refers to herself in the third person while speaking to colleagues, according to The Times.
Yes, the chief secretary to the treasury has given herself the nickname 'the Truss'.
Let's just take a moment to let that sink in.
Taking to Twitter, The Independent's political correspondent Ashley Cowburn tweeted a segment from The Times:
Our politicians are completely normal.
Needless to say, many other people on Twitter thought the whole thing was rather hilarious.
Ms Truss isn't the only top Tory to give herself a questionable first-person nickname. It's been widely reported that home secretary Sajid Javid also refers to himself as 'the Saj', so she's in good company.
Theresa May has already confirmed she will not lead the Conservatives into the next general election, and both Javid and Truss are said to be in the running for politics' top job.
Well, after it was revealed that Mrs May quoted a meerkat and said 'simples' during PMQs in order to win a bet to get one of her top aides tea at the Ritz, nothing surprises us anymore.