Matthew Champion
Oct 23, 2014

Warning: Many, many swears
These girls have a message for the internet: what is more offensive, a girl aged between six and 13 swearing, or pay inequality and rape and violence against women?
The video has been watched more than 1million times on Vimeo and has been reinstated by YouTube, having been briefly - apparently mistakenly - taken down.
Video producer Mike Son said that while some adults may be "uncomfortable" with the girls using bad words for a good cause, the "real shock is that women still paid less than men for the same work in 2014".
"The big statistic that one out of five women are sexually assaulted or raped is something society seems to find less offensive than a little four letter word and we love how these girls draw attention to that imbalance," he added.
The video is polarising, as indicated by these two tweets:
More: [These feminist cartoons are excellent and you should look at them]1
More: [This woman has found the best way to respond to trolls]2
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