All good things eventually come to an end, including the careers of porn stars.
But life after porn doesn’t necessarily have to be anti-climactic. And it's certainly not the end of the line when it comes to your working life.
Former adult performers took to Reddit to shed a little light on what happens after you stop having sex in front of film crews for a living.
1. Finding work isn’t always easy
Ten year black hole on my resume made it hard to find normal work.
I've had a regular job for the last five years but recently became unemployed. Sometimes things that seem like great ideas when you are a teenager turn out to have unforeseen consequences when you are in your 30s.
A friend once hooked me up with a job at a small advertising company. Told me the boss didn't care about my past work. Mentioned it to a few coworkers. Eventually found out the boss hated porn. She fired me.
- kalgary
It's even tricky for regular off-camera employees to get work elsewhere. We have to use vague company names to mask where we've worked before. One of my co-workers could not put his child in a private school because they did a background search on him and found out where he works. A lot of programmers here are worried that they can't get any other gigs if it is discovered that they work here. that kind of sucks.
- b3rd1sth3w3rd
2. It helps if you have a wealthy spouse
[I] Worked behind the scenes. I know one who retired at 37 with her earnings (though she also has a successful husband) and another who married a very wealthy philanthropist and helps run his foundation. You generally don't hear from or about those who don't do well after porn unless they experience some sort of major misfortune.
3. Changing appearances can help
I work in the biz (behind-the-scenes). I've heard women have trouble adjusting. For the most part, though, they can change their hair color, gain some weight, wear glasses, and everything will be OK. (Like some sort of post-porn witness protection lol.)
- b3rd1sth3w3rd
4. Earning an average wage isn't easy
Worked as a stripper part time for about 5 years now. It's changed the way that I view people I believe. It hasn't had an effect on my career because I always had a second part time "regular" job. So I never had to worry about my resume. I guess it has made me really lazy. Why work hard all week at a shitty minimum wage job and bring home $400, when I can do that in one night dancing? But you can't work as a stripper forever so it kinda f**ks with your head.
5. Your personal life can suffer
I used to be a sex worker. There have been zero consequences in my professional life, but my personal life did suffer a little. A few friends knew while it was happening, and one friend only found out when it was over. She stopped being my friend a while.
- PleaseTrashThis
6. You can end up watching reruns with your significant other
Did a few mixed films in college (gay/bi/straight) soon to be 30 years ago on my way through nursing school. Got my degree and never looked back. A few odd looks for a few years. But once DVD took over (and my films weren't converted), they stopped. Meanwhile, I love my current career. My husband and I watch an old copy and laugh at my questionable acting chops.
- exscorpio