
Lib Dems are being mocked for this cringeworthy fake Whatsapp message between Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson

After news broke that Nigel Farage had decided to withdraw Brexit Party candidates in the 317 seats that the Tories won in the 2017 General Election, there was lots of political chatter on social media.

People suggested that it’s now time for the Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats to form a similar alliance.

MORE: Brexit Party candidates are fuming that Nigel Farage has forced them to stand down

After a few hours of silence, the Lib Dems responded in a slightly… Unorthodox way.

On Twitter, the party’s account posted a mockup image of a chat between Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage.

In the chat, “Bozza” thanks “Nige” for “bailing him out” by standing his candidates down. “Nige” then says that “Donald” (presumably president Trump) will be “furious” if he doesn’t get “his Brexit”.

The fake chat ends with Nigel asking Boris if the pair can “talk at xmas about the peerage”, presumably referencing reports that Farage was offered a seat in the House of Lords in exchange for withdrawing Brexit Party candidates.

On Twitter, people were very cringed out by the mock image. Our toes are firmly curled.

More: Nigel Farage accused of 'bottling it' after pulling Brexit Party candidates from Tory-held seats​

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