
Laurence Fox's new political party is reminding people of a chilling plot from Years and Years

People are comparing Laurence Fox to Emma Thompson's character on the dystopian drama Years and Years.

Thompson's Vivienne Rook begins her own political party, the Four Star party, after delivering an expletive-laden rant about the Israel-Palestine conflict on Question Time.

Fox, similarly, has announced the formation of 'Reclaim', a new political party to "fight the culture wars", after gaining notoriety as a panellist on BBC Question Time.

Fox, who rose to fame as an actor – most notably for his role in Inspector Lewis– claimed that Meghan Markle hasn't been subject to racism on the show in January.

He then went on to say that the depiction of Sikh soldier in Sam Mendes's 1917 was "forced diversity" and that he had been "cancelled" for saying All Lives Matter.

His politics, like Viv Rook's, appear to be populist and right-leaning.

People immediately spotted the similarity...

When announcing the formation of Reclaim, Fox wrote:

Over many years it has become clear that our politicians have lost touch with the people they represent and govern. Moreover, our public institutions now work to an agenda beyond their main purpose. 

Our country is now in desperate need of a new political movement which promises to make our future a shared endeavour, not a divisive one. 

Its tag line is 'Reason - Reform - Progress'.

It remains to be seen exactly what Reclaim will stand for – and how successful it will be.

Vivienne Rook becomes prime minister after forming the Four Star party in Years and Years.

All we're saying is that it's 2020 and stranger things have happened.

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