A US based landlord was arrested after he was filmed on hidden camera allegedly sniffing the underwear of a female tenant and her daughter in their house.
NBC Connecticut reports that 38-year-old Jorge Orellana-Arias was charged with third degree burglary after entering the East Haven apartment on numerous occasions while the home was empty. The tenants alleged he had rifled through their belongings more than once, prompting them to put up the hidden cameras to catch him.
The tenant’s footage reportedly shows the landlord entering the home through a side door, before making his way to the bedroom. There he found the inhabitants' underwear and put it to his nose, seeming to sniff it.
A statement from the police said: “She stated that the camera caught Orellana-Arias entering her apartment through a side door, before proceeding to both bedrooms where he would locate female underwear.
“The video, which was provided to officers shows Orellana-Arias bringing female garments to his nose, apparently in an effort to sniff them.”
The female tenant told the police that on at least one occasion he had entered the property “while her daughter was home alone” and said that he “appeared to be startled when he saw the daughter and exited the apartment immediately”.
Since his arrest, Orellana-Arias has been released on a $25,000 bail bond. It is not immediately clear whether he entered a guilty or not guilty plea when answering the charges.
He’ll appear in court once again on 14 September.