Evie Breese
Mar 03, 2020

Another day, another Kim Kardashian cultural appropriation drama. And this time Twitter is refusing to accept it.
After a two year break from fashion, Kanye West has returned with Yeezy Season 8, presented during Paris fashion week on Monday. And of course the America's unofficial first family rallied around for the event, with six-year old daughter North giving a surprise rap performance as models towered around her.
Kim wore thick braids to her husband's reality show, matching the style worn by the model who opened the show and also her daughter.
But people are calling her out for wearing a hairstyle that's got roots in black culture. Kardashian, who is of Armenian-American descent, has frequently faced criticism for wearing her hair this way.
After she tweeted several photos of herself at the show, responses overwhelmingly focussed on the hairstyle, with many telling her to just stop wearing her hair like this.
Braids woven tightly against the head have been a method for haircare for black people for a long time, and have cultural significance beyond style.
Lots of people pointed this out to Kim in some not-so-subtle ways.
There was a particular sense of frustration given this isn't the first time she's worn this style. There was also a recent controversy where Kardashian was accused of "blackfishing" by darkening her hands.
So will she get the message this time and retire the braids? Don't hold your breath.
MORE: Why people are accusing Kim Kardashian of blackfishing after 'hand make-up' Instagram Stories
MORE: Kim Kardashian gives bizarre excuse after being accused of blackface again
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