
Samuel L Jackson thinks the viral Pulp Fiction / Kavanaugh mashup is 'funny as hell'

In light of the Me Too movement, the FBI has opened an inquiry into allegations of sexual assault against Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh.

The panel has approved his nomination, but asked for a further inquiry before the full Senate votes to have him take on one of the highest honours in America.

People are following the entire affair closely, with some people in support of Kavanaugh, and others critical of him.

There are calls for the judge to be dismissed from the nomination selection on the allegation grounds.

Kavanaugh denies all allegations.

In an effort to make light of the situation, someone mashed up a famous Samuel L Jackson scene from the 1994 classic Pulp Fiction, and parts of Kavanaugh's hearing.

The Kavanaugh /Jackson meme, created by filmmaker Oscar Boyson, went viral for, well, obvious reasons...

Samuel L Jacskson caught wind of the meme, and he thinks it's hilarious, and reminds people about seriousness of the allegations...

And then he followed it up with a cheeky tweet

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