
Justin Trudeau has handshake offer completely ignored by Jair Bolsonaro at G20 summit

Justin Trudeau is regarded as one of the most likeable leaders in global politics right now but he found himself in no man's land on Saturday morning at the G20.

Thanks to an awkward seating arrangement at the summit in Osaka, Japan, the Canadian prime minister found himself wedged between the Chinese president Xi Jinping and the president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, two politicians whose policies he otherwise opposes.

If that wasn't bad enough, Trudeau tried his best to ignore the fact he was sitting beside Xi, with tensions between their two respective nations on rocky ground right now.

On the other side of Trudeau was Bolsonaro, who the Canadian did try to interact with only for the controversial right-wing Brazilian to completely blank his attempts at a handshake.

This completely backfired for the 47-year-old as Bolsonaro not only looks at him right in the face but then turns around and dismisses his offer of a handshake, leaving Trudeau looking completely bemused.

The moment has since been shared widely on Twitter and we have to say that it really isn't the best look for Trudeau.

Needless to say, people found it pretty funny that Trudeau had no friends at the event, which is just cruel when you think about it.

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