
Free food for drag performers this Pride month – here's how to apply

Free food for drag performers this Pride month – here's how to apply
'RuPaul's Drag Race' Queens Share Their Fave Memes
Just Eat

Just Eat has teamed up with former RuPaul's Drag Race star Dr Cheddar Gorgeous to offer performers free food and necessities throughout Pride month.

The initiative hailed VIQs (Very Important Queens) is set to hand out £15,000 worth of vouchers to Queens and Kings across the UK, with the average performer expected to perform over 350 shows in June.

Just Eat's new data estimated that the drag community will deliver 14.4 million lip-syncs over the coming weeks. In addition, they are expected to rack up a collective total of 600,000 steps – equating to a walk from London to Edinburgh.

Further insight reveals the nation’s performers can burn a further 1,000 calories from marching in the highest of heels during a two-mile Pride parade - burning more calories than a 5K run. With all of this making for hungry work, the launch of VIQs will ensure the show does go on.

"It’s time to recognise how much work goes into drag performing," Dr Cheddar Gorgeous said. "It is the best job in the world, but that’s not to say that carrying your own weight in make-up around the country sometimes does make it feel like well… a drag! Whilst you see us serving all our energy on stage, off it, we need to ensure we recharge and are ready for the next gig."

"I’m beyond thrilled to partner with Just Eat to launch VIQs to help all of you, my gorgeous girls, stay fuelled this month of months! Whether it’s ordering a nutritious meal before a performance or soaking in a hot bath with some Epsom salts for post-show recovery, you gotta do it. But don’t commit the cardinal sin and forget to treat yourself to free Just Eat, my fellow queens."

How to take part, you may ask?

To qualify as a member of the exclusive VIQ club, drag performers simply need to share their social handles by emailing to showcase the work they’re putting in this Pride.

Email entries will be accepted until 23.59 on 25th June and eligible performers will be served on a first-come basis.

Other delivery services have also joined in on the Pride action, with Deliveroo opening a restaurant led by LGBTQIA+ chefs - as just 4% of those working in kitchens currently identify as part of the community. The aim is to shine a light on the underrepresentation of the community working in the hospitality industry.

“To make the industry feel safer for LGBTQIA+ people I think there needs to be greater representation, so that young aspiring chefs have LGBTQIA+ industry role models to look up to", says Alex, one of the chefs trained in the kitchen.

The Open Kitchen launched on 5 June, with all proceeds going towards funding cooking courses for aspiring LGBTQIA+ chefs.

To apply, fill out the form here.

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