Narjas Zatat
Jan 23, 2018

Being invited to an interview is a positive step in your job search - it shows you’ve progressed to the next level. However, for many people, a job interview is a stressful part of the job application process.
Preparing for interviews could be the difference between being shown a contract, and being shown the door.
Sheer Luxe spoke to Zoey Coy, a divisional manager at recruitment consultancy Mecildowie to get important tips and tricks that could maximise your chances of being offered a job.
1. Know the company you’re applying to
Research. Research. Research. Most organisations have social media accounts – Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. Take a look at the sort of things they post so you can get a feel for the type of place it is and their tone. Check their website too, often they will have newsletters. If you’re applying to an NGO for example, learn about their current campaigns. Knowledge is power, after all.
2. Attitude is key
Be confident about what you can offer the company. They’ve read your CV and clearly saw something in it that they liked enough to invite you to an interview. This is the best opportunity to let your personality shine through and you can convince your potential employer why they should hire you above everyone else.
3. Your outfit counts
You want to make sure you dress appropriately, but it’s important to add something original to your outfit.
4. Use STAR to answer questions
It doesn’t matter what industry you want to get in to, most will ask you competency-based questions at the interview. You should try to answer them in this format: Situation, Task, Action, and Result (or Resolution).
5. Make it personal
When answering questions, make sure to include how situations made you feel. This helps the interview connect with you on a personal level, helping you be more memorable.
6. Make the questions you ask count
Your interviewer has probably been interviewing people all day - this is your last chance to make a lasting impression. When you get the chance to ask a question, ask something about their team, or which aspect of their job they like.
H/T Sheer Luxe
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