
Jewish man records moment he is subjected to antisemitic fueled road rage in New York

A Jewish man has recorded the moment where he was subjected to a vile piece of antisemitic road rage while driving his car in Monticello, New York.

Isaac Bernath, who is a musician from Brooklyn, claims he had just pulled out of petrol station when he was subjected to the attack by a man and woman in a red truck.

Bernath posted the video on Instagram on Tuesday, where the man in the red truck can be seen shouting a stream of strong vitriol in Bernath's direction, while the woman films it.

Warning: This video contains some very strong language.

According to an interview with the Daily Dot, Bernath said the incident occurred after the man cut him off on the road and then blocked him in.

The threatening language then started after Bernath was let out but then cut off again. He said:

Coming towards me from behind was this pickup truck who apparently got aggravated that he needed to slow down so he wildly cut me off and then blocked me in when there was a double-parked van on my side.

Once he let me through, I cut him back so he [couldn’t] block me in again…He then pulled up beside me and started threatening me with violence at which point I started filming.

Bernath said that he has unfortunately faced antisemitic abuse before but it had never lasted that long, nor had it been instigated because of road rage.

His video has since received thousands of views on social media, despite it being removed from both Instagram and YouTube and then eventually re-uploaded.

Bernath, who wears a kippah said that he did show the video to the police but has since decided not to press charges. He added:

I don’t think destroying his life would accomplish anything. He said put this video on the internet, and I did.

HT Daily Dot

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