Joe Sommerlad
Apr 26, 2019

Tory_Jesus on Twitter brilliantly imagines Christ as a compassion-free modern Conservative
"And Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, 'How difficult it will be for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God'" (Mark 10:23).
Twitter has found many ingenious ways to troll the Conservative government in recent years, with the likes of Coldwar_Steve and Led By Donkeys consistently finding gallows humour in the grindingly bleak world of Brexit.
Tory_Jesus, an account begun in May 2017, is the latest example, taking off over Easter and imagining the Messiah expressing the uncompromising, compassion-free sentiments of the modern Conservative Brexiteer in place of his familiar sorrows for the sins of man.
The results are inspired and perfect for the era of Theresa May, whose drawn-out martyrdom for a cause she does not believe in is itself worthy of the Old Testament.
It's hard to imagine Tory Jesus casting the moneylenders out of the temple, turning water into wine or feeding the 5,000.
He's more likely to take a seat on the board of a betting company, swill an agreeable little rioja over dinner with his mistress and deliver a solitary Gregg's sausage roll to a food bank only when the cameras are rolling.
More: 20 'Brexit is like...' tweets that are so hilariously British it hurts

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