
This accidentally NSFW stained-glass window showing Mary holding Jesus is going to hell

This accidentally NSFW stained-glass window showing Mary holding Jesus is going to hell

An image of a stained glass window has been shared on Twitter and it’s inadvertently NSFW.

Twitter user Rosievix posted the photograph online with the caption:

What, exactly..., is Mary holding ??

What followed was an embarrassed emoji and it’s not hard to see why. Mary seems to be holding Jesus in, shall we say, a sensitive area. While it might well have been an honest attempt to portray shadow, it comes across as sacrilegious to say the very least.

The people of the internet were shocked and delighted by the image in equal measure and were not shy about sharing their thoughts. In fact, there was very little shyness involved in the story generally.

And one reply suggested such an image is not even the worst stained-glass window out there...

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