Marianne Eloise
Jan 21, 2020

Following the London Bridge attack, perpetrated by a man who was jailed for a terrorist plot in 2012, the government are cracking down on terrorists in increasingly creative ways.
Increasing jail sentences for “serious” offenders, ending early release, and doubling the number of specialist probation officers were all among measures proposed today.
But the most controversial one by far has been the suggestion that terrorists are put through lie detector tests following release from prison.
Following revelations that officials were failing to check if dangerous offenders were lying, the new proposal would see polygraph tests made mandatory when questioning terrorists eligible for parole.
The tests, which are not admissible in court, would not be considered enough to send a terrorist back to prison but would prompt extra checks.
However, people are taking issue with the dubious approach, with many jokingly calling it the comeback of Jeremy Kyle, which famously used the polygraph before being cancelled.
One person tweeted, “Can you imagine if Corbyn came up with this idea of lie detector tests for terrorists? There would be bedlam, the internet would melt, and some unbalanced Brexit Party MEP would call for his execution.”
The new “Counter-Terrorism Bill” is not thought to be very extensive, and many believe it doesn’t contain measures to adequately assess deradicalisation programs.
More: AOC calls out the FBI’s double standards on white supremacist and Islamist terrorism
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