
Jeremy Hunt named Jon Snow as the Game of Thrones character he most identifies with and the jokes wrote themselves

What is it with British MPs and Game of Thrones? They literally can't get enough of the show, even if most people can't bear to talk it following season eight.

We've had Labour's Emily Thornberry throw viewing parties for the fantasy show and Michael Gove once saying that he would like to be Tyrion Lannister if he could be any character from the series.

Now, Jeremy Hunt has joined them in their Westeros fandom by declaring that if he had to be any character from the series he would be the main hero, Jon Snow.

At a Tory hustings in Belfast, where Game of Thrones is filmed, the foreign secretary told host, Iain Dale:

Well, I'm not going to say something cliched like Jon Snow but what I am going to tell you is that the best story that I've heard about Kit Harington, is that he was apparently stopped for speeding in the province and the police officer said, 'I'll give you two options.'

I can give you a speeding ticket or you can tell me if you come back to life in the next episode of Game of Thrones. I thought it was a great story.

Hunt chuckles at the anecdote but Dale asks if he is attempting to avoid the question by telling that story, to which Hunt replies.

Oh, go on then, Jon Snow.

Hunt's answer predictably inspired some responses on social media and as you can probably guess, they didn't really see him as a 'Jon Snow' type of character.

Bizarrely, former Tory leadership contender Rory Stewart gave his thoughts on the question and said that he would be 'the guy with greyscale', aka Jorah Mormount, who was struck down with the fictional disease in the show.

Later in the event, when asked a similar question, Boris Johnson said he would be 'the guy with the lightsabre in Star Wars', which could be one of dozens of characters but he probably means Luke Skywalker or possibly Darth Vader.

More: Game of Thrones: Amazing mash-up video commemorates show with one second from each episode

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