Joe Vesey-Byrne
Feb 11, 2017

Jeremy Corbyn should have been having a good week.
On Wednesday he put the prime minister on the defensive during PMQs, when he questioned the government's 'sweetheart deal' with Surrey County Council.
The glow was short lived, when on Wednesday night more than 50 Labour MPs rebelled against Jeremy Corbyn's three line whips, demanding that they vote to grant the government the power to trigger Article 50.
Polling released that week by YouGov revealed the extent to which Corbyn is unpopular with a variety of people - in fact he's unpopular across every demographic.
Show these charts to anyone still using #JezWeCan.
'He will unite the party'
This is how Jeremy polls among people who already vote Labour.
Totals: 44 per cent have a favourable opinion of the leader, and 46 per cent have an unfavourable one.
'He will improve Labour's brand image'
Maybe he has improved their image, by making them look good in comparison to his ratings?
Corbyn's favourables are lower than the party's, and his unfavourables are higher than the party's.
Is this just what happens to all leaders and their party?
Theresa May’s favourability ratings are the opposite of Jeremy Corbyn’s. She is both more popular than her Conservative Party and less unpopular.
Tim Farron is less popular than the Lib Dem brand, but also less unpopular.
New Ukip leader Paul Nuttall, who is contesting the Stoke-on-Trent byelection for the party is similarly less liked than Ukip, but also less disliked.
The most noteworthy response is the resounding ‘Don’t know’ Nuttall received from respondents.
Corbyn is alone among these leaders in possessing that losing combination of less popular than his party, and more unpopular than it.
'He will win back Scotland'
Labour's decimation at the 2015 general election was in large part due to their routing in Scotland.
Labour lost 40 seats in Scotland, all to the SNP, and its share of the vote was 24.3 per cent.
When Jeremy Corbyn only ran for Labour leader in the autumnr of 2015, he argued he was the candidate to win back Scotland, after years of decline.
Monday's YouGov polling suggests otherwise.
In Scotland, 34 per cent of voters have a very unfavourable opinion of Jeremy Corbyn, and 29 per cent feel somewhat unfavourably.
Just 5 per cent feel very favourable, and 22 somewhat favourable towards him.
The prime minister Theresa May's unfavourability rating is 32 per cent, better than Corbyn's, despite Conservatives being unpopular in Scotland for much of the last 40 years.
Leaders Paul Nuttall and Tim Farron, are also less unpopular than Corbyn, scoring just 30 and 17 per cent respectively.
Of concern to Labour, is the fact that Scotland is Corbyn’s best region.
'He will bring together leave and remain voters'
He has done. In opposition to him.
'He will be a disrupter, like Donald Trump'
Many have attributed President Trump's victory to his anti-establishment and pro-economic intervention message.
Seeing similarities, some Corbyn supporters have claimed that the leader could ride a similar swell of populism into Downing Street.
Corbyn is more favourable among people in Great Britain than populist President Donald Trump and President Vladimir Putin.
All three men are outdone however by the more traditional politicians Angela Merkel and Theresa May, and neither parliamentary leader does much establishment bashing.
Each has higher favourables and lower unfavourables compared to Corbyn, Trump, and Putin.
'He's the best person in parliament to lead the party'
YouGov also asked what opinion people had of Sir Keir Starmer, the shadow Brexit secretary.
Corbyn's unfavourables are much worse than those of Starmer, but before he loses any sleep over it, Corbyn should note that 75 per cent of respondents answer 'Don't know'.
Any challenge from Starmer would need to get over the obscurity hurdle.
Think Owen Jones Smith.
No other Labour MP was included in YouGov's published results.
What a time to be Leader of Her Majesty's Most Loyal Opposition.
More: How Labour's support in Scotland has been decimated - in five maps
More: People think this is the real reason the Trumps are suing the Mail
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