Bridie Pearson-Jones
May 12, 2017
Getty Images
Labour's draft manifesto was leaked earlier this week, a campaign faux pas in itself.
But, despite the rather major slip up, supporters of Mr Crobyn's have said it's full of popular policies. Of course, others have called it a 'throwback to the 1970s'.
As we enter the final four weeks before the election, there appears to be an overwhelming amount of support for the policies that are reportedly going to be put forward.
A ComRes survey for The Mirror shows overwhelming support for plans to re-nationalise energy, keeping the ban on fox-hunting, more tax for those on over £80,000 and a cap on the pension age.
The most popular policy is to keep the ban on fox-hunting, supported 78 per cent to 12 per cent opposed, banning zero hour contracts is also backed by nearly three-quarters of people (71 per cent) and 60 per cent of Tory voters.
Fox-hunting was banned by Tony Blair's government in 2004, Theresa May last week announced she wanted to bring back the blood sport, saying she has 'always been in favour of fox-hunting'.
As of September 2016, there were over 900,000 workers on zero-hours contracts (about 3 per cent of the employed workforce), according to the Office of National Statistics. Although it's believed the number of such contracts may be under-reported, as many people may be confusing them with casual employment. According to Unite the Union, there may be as many as 5.5 million workers are subject to zero-hour contracts, which are particularly prevalent in northwest and among young workers.
Corbyn's pledge to limit the state pension age to 66 is also very popular. Three-quarters (74 per cent) of voters, are for it, with 15 per cent against.
Similarly, over half of voters support renationalising Britain's railways, 50 per cent back renationlising Royal Mail, and 49 per cent support nationalising the energy market.
The majority of voters (54 per cent) also back plans to build 100,000 more council houses a year, and more want to abolish university tuition fees than don't (46 per cent compared to 37 per cent).
Support for increasing income tax on those earning over £80,000 (the top 5 per cent of earners) is backed by 65 per cent of voters.
Despite the overwhelming support for Labour's key policies, the Conservatives are still ahead in the polls, and most people think Corbyn would be 'a disaster' as Prime Minister.
Only a third (30%) of supporters agree with the sentiment that Jeremy Corbyn should be given 'a fair chance' as Prime Minster, compared to over half (56%) that say he'll be a 'disaster' as Prime Minster.
The latest YouGovfigures put the Conservatives on 46 per cent of the vote, Labour on 30 per cent, with the Lib Dems on 11 per cent of the vote - which would roughly translate to Conservatives gaining 45 seats and Labour losing 43 on June 8th, giving Theresa May a majority of 49.
More: If 30 per cent more people under 25 vote, the Tories could lose the election
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