Josh Withey
Apr 21, 2017

Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn visited Brentry in Bristol today on the general election 2017 campaign trail.
He dropped into Brentry Children's Centre, and while there read the book We're all Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen, illustrated by Helen Oxenbury.
During what we assume to be a riveting retelling of the classic tale, a photographer snapped this picture.
We tried to track down the source of the image... However, Google was being a bit mean about it.
Mr Corbyn is 67 years young.
We did eventually track down the source of the image, PA, and it gave us a few more gems.
Possible captions include: 'He's a scary bear'
Pictures: PA
'Look at how high the Conservatives polling numbers are Mr Corbyn'
Picture: PA
'What dance move is this?'
Picture: PA
And: 'I could be on my allotment right now...'
Picture: PA
More: All those times Jeremy Corbyn had the perfect side eye
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