Greg Evans
Feb 12, 2019

Led By Donkeys/ Joe Giddens/ PA
Every person on the planet has had a say on Brexit but as it stands, with just over a month to go before the deadline, we still have no idea what Brexit will be like.
For over two years now, politicians have gone back and fourth on their words on how they believe Britian's exit from the EU will transpire.
The activist group Led By Donkeys have been reminding people of what MPs and Brexiteers have said in the past by plastering them on billboards across the country.
The billboards so far have included infamous lines from the likes of David Cameron, Jacob Rees-Mogg and Arron Banks.
Suspicious in his abscence are any words from the leader of the opposition, Jeremy Corbyn, who silence or megre attempts to oppose Brexit have been minmal at best.
Rather than let Corbyn off lightly by not giving him a billboard, Led By Donkeys created one for him, that was completely empty and erected in his constituency of North Islington, London.
In a follow-up tweet from the group, they explained that the poster has been displayed 'more in sorrow than in anger' and urged the Labour leader to listen to party members and young people.
Instead of leaving the poster completely blank, Led By Donkeys invited young Labour members to fill in the gaps on the poster with their own messages on how they want Corbyn to oppose Brexit before time runs out.
Using a step-ladder and spray paint. the messages included many calls for a 'People's Vote,' Final Say or second referendum.
The Evening Standard reports that the stunt has been orchestrated by For Our Future's Sake, a campaign lead by young Labour members who want a second referendum.
A spokesperson from the group said in a statement:
Instead of staying silent on Brexit, young Labour members and Islington North constituents are writing what they want Jeremy Corbyn to say - that he supports the majority of his members in backing a People's Vote.

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