
Jeff Bridges says he caught Covid during chemotherapy and it made his cancer look like ‘piece of cake’

Actor Jeff Bridges took to his personal website to inform his fans on that he he had become infected with Covid while undergoing chemotherapy for cancer.

According to his hand-written note, which had since been updated to the site and digitised, Bridges received a letter from the site at which he’d been receiving chemo infusions for his cancer, informing the actor of his and his wife’s exposure to the virus. “The letter tells me I may have been exposed to the COVID-19 virus at their joint. Soon after, my wife Sue and I share an ambulance to the ICU. We both got the ‘Rona,” he wrote.

Bridges’ wife, Susan Geston, went onto spend five days in the hospital. Bridges, however, was hospitalised for a whopping five weeks, the actor continued.

“The reason I’m there for so long is because my immune system is shot form the chemo,” he explained. “My dance with Covid makes my cancer look like a piece of cake.” He later tweeted that “COVID kicked my ass.”

“The Big Lebowski” star also detailed “moments of tremendous pain” during his treatment and infection, recalling “screaming” and “getting’ close to the pearly gates,” but asserted that “this brush with mortality” also brought him a “real gift:” The realisation that “life is brief and beautiful. Love is all around us, available at all times.”

The letter also noted that Bridges’ cancer was in remission, and his formerly 7 by 12 inch tutor had shrunken to a “2 x 2 thing.”

Bridges was initially diagnosed with lymphoma in October of 2020, telling fans the news via Twitter — with a sense of humour.

“As the Dude would say... New S**T has come to light,” he wrote — a nod to his infamous character from the film “The Big Lebowski.”

“I have been diagnosed with Lymphoma. Although it is a serious disease, I feel fortunate that I have a great team of doctors and the prognosis is good.”

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