
How the internet reacted to Jared Kushner being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize

How the internet reacted to Jared Kushner being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize
AFP via Getty Images

The strangeness surrounding four years of a Trump presidency is far from over. In the latest instalment, Jared Kushner has been nominated for none other than a Nobel Peace Prize.

The nomination comes from former Harvard professor and ‘controversial’ lawyer Alan Dershowitz, known for representing OJ Simpson, Harvey Weinstein and Donald Trump’s impeachment trials past and present.

He now joins his father-in-law in the running for the prize, after Trump was nominated back in September by Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a far-right Norwegian politician.

Him and deputy Avi Berkowitz have been nominated for their role in smoothing out relations between Israel and the Arab nations. The deals were signed last year, said to be the most advanced in decades.

It caused serious problems for the Palestinian government, which views the deals as “extremely dangerous”.

This isn’t the Trump family’s first foray into aspirational Nobel stardom, following the former president’s embarrassing photoshopping of the prize into one of this campaign videos – despite not being awarded one, ever.

The whole thing stinks of reputational damage control, according to the internet, who cannot get over the audacity of any person involved in the Trump presidency being nominated for peace matters.

Others tried to see the funny side to the non-existent chances of him actually winning the prize.

For others, it evoked feelings surrounding things he actually did while advising his father-in-law.

Fear not - a nomination does not imply endorsement from the Nobel committee, but it’s pretty shocking nonetheless.

Those backed by Norwegian lawmakers tend to have a better shot at getting the prize, meaning this year the World Heath Organisation and Greta Thunberg are in with a decent chance.

With his political record and the weight of that competition, he shouldn’t be holding out too much hope.

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