
The Daily Mail wrote a 'positive' story about Brexit. James O'Brien destroyed it in less than two minutes

The Daily Mail’s view on Brexit hasn’t exactly been subtle, and neither has its coverage:

The newspaper got into the somewhat sporadic habit of printing a 'Brexit Bonus' - a story, or stories, that talked about some of the more positive aspects of leaving the EU.

LBC radio show host James O’Brien didn't pull any punches when he read and then utterly destroyed the Daily Mail’s most recent one on Tuesday morning:

Here is the first paragraph of something that the Daily Mail is telling you today is good news. Brexit-related. Good news.

Once you've scraped the bottom of the barrel, what are you left with? Splinters I suppose. In the context of news, these are the splinters from the bottom of a barrel that's been scraped clean.

‘Growing fears over job security and Brexit have fuelled a slump in sickies, with the average worker taking just 1.67 days off for illness this year, a study has revealed.'

If you read down into it a little further, it turns out that three in four people, just over 73 per cent of us have admitted going to work despite feeling ill enough to stay at home because they're frightened about their job security and the economic situation created by Brexit.

Yes, that's right: there are fewer sickies being pulled at work because people are scared of Brexit.

So today's scrapings from the bottom of the barrel are sick people are going to work because they're scared. And that is a Brexit bonus.

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