Joe Sommerlad
May 08, 2019

Jacob Wohl
You know you've gone too far as a political activist when you find yourself accused of inventing a fake protest against yourself.
This is precisely what happened to alt-right buffoons Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman this week, the latest humiliation suffered by a duo who really should be considering alternative careers by this point.
They had planned to stage a press conference at the latter's house in northern Virginia to promote an entirely groundless sexual abuse smear against 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg - the openly gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana - who has risen from obscurity to become a serious contender in the race for the White House after taking on Trump administration hypocrisy.
In advance of their event, Burkman took to Twitter to warn that "Hundreds of leftist protestors are set to descend on our Wednesday Press conference", tweeting a link to an Eventbrite page for the alleged demonstration called “Protest Against Homophobic Bigots”.
“We WILL NOT surrender to the mob! We’ve called in extra security to guard our safety and that of our partners in the media,” he pledged in defiance.
He needn't have bothered with the show of bravado though as the event appears to have been a total fabrication, intended to whip up press interest in their sham announcement.
Mediaite reporter Justin Duckham spotted the smoking gun.
The protesters' email address featured on the page was
You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to trace that back to Wohl, who previously used it for a petition against another popular Democrat, Minnesota representative Ilhan Omar, who has become a hate figure to the alt-right as an outspoken Muslim woman unafraid to call out Washington malpractice.
Wohl has so far denied faking the protest, insisting he has been framed:
I’ve never used Eventbrite in my life. It was created by a troll.
He and Burkman have been previously caught out attempting to smear FBI special counsel Robert Mueller - investigating possible Russian collusion in the hacking of the 2016 election - with bogus sexual harassment claims.
Wohl was also thought to have invented death threats against himself earlier this spring for inclusion in his "documentary" dispatch Importing Ilhan, in which he and fellow idiot Laura Loomer spectacularly failed to track down Congresswoman Omar, one of the most inept and embarrassing examples of citizen journalism you could wish to see.
More: Alt-right conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer fails to doorstep Ilhan Omar
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