
Ivanka Trump is seeing out the coronavirus pandemic by studying Greek mythology

Being locked in self-isolation has presented us with many different recreational opportunities and new pass times that we never even considered before.

Beyond bingeing Netflix and devouring books, some have been improving on their cooking skills, trying a bit of hairdressing or learning a new language.

Ivanka Trump though has taken a more unusual approach to her free time as she has reportedly begun to study Greek mythology, while she works from home and cares for her three young children.

During an interview with Yahoo Finance, the president's daughter explained how she has been dealing with the sudden change to her daily schedule.

It’s a unique time, but I’m trying to reframe all of it through through the lens of the joy of having this family connectivity even if it’s sometimes toxic, and you know, on weekends and now in the evenings where normally we would have had a work-related commitment or something else, a school function.

That includes free online courses in Greek and Roman mythology, and learning to play guitar. I’m re-reading The Odyssey, and started to learn to play the guitar and now I’m really working on it, as I sit with my kids and when they’re asleep or napping. That’s what I’m doing.

To be honest, we didn't think any of the Trump family had it in them to read Homer's epic poem The Odyssey, let alone reread it, as it is a gargantuan text consisting of 24 books.

We're interested in hearing what she learns while studying Greek mythology and what she makes of characters like Hades, Ares, Oedipus, Adrestia, Aphrodite, Medusa and The Minotaur.

Fair play to Ivanka for trying something different.

All we've been doing is trying to piece all the Tiger King conspiracy theories together and find new ways of stacking our toilet roll after buying too many.

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