
It took Chilcot seven years to tell us the Iraq War was rushed

The Chilcot Inquiry report includes 2.6 million words
The Chilcot Inquiry report includes 2.6 million words

Like a the follow-up to a popular film franchise from the eighties, we have waited with baited breath for the results from the Iraq Inquiry to only receive an underwhelming presentation.

Turns out Sir John Chilcot has spent seven years producing the public inquiry equivalent of Stars Wars Episode I (albeit without an obvious Jar Jar Binks parallel).

After £9m and 129 witnesses called to give evidence, the report concluded among other things that the government's certainty in 2003 that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction was not justified... news flash.

On Twitter, such conclusions did not seem to satisfy the public's sense of frustration regarding the likes of Tony Blair roaming free and they were not afraid to show it:

So how should we deal with the aftermath of this, maybe like this:

Happy Chilcot Day!

More: What the sister of a dead soldier had to say about Blair in light of the Chilcot report

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