On Monday night, a terrorist bombing killed 22 people and injured at least 59 at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester.
Police confirmed a sole attacker died in the blast, in an attack for which responsibility was later claimed by Isis.
However, as the New York Times' Isis and al-Qaeda correspondent details, there were some strange discrepancies in their claim.
Although this could be to do with gains made against the group in Mosul.
Isis also has a habit of celebrating accidents as if planned attacks, although the group generally only claims attacks they directed:
What Isis loves is an amplification of the fear that terror causes. Seeing scenes of chaos and trauma spread across the news makes their attacks seem more effective.
They also love a focus on the attacker and his motivations, broadcasting this information as the focus of news stories inspires others to follow suit - it perpetuates a cult of martyrdom.
Tweets like these, for example:
The media has an issue in that the metrics for good coverage that sell adverts are eyeballs on the website, either in page views, clicks or shares. Terrible incidents tend to generate these.
At present we're doing a terrible job of disrupting Isis' PR strategy.
If anything, we're helping it.
What can you do to stop it?
The media runs what you click on and engage with. If you share news stories out of horror, it encourages the media to run them. If you click on gratuitous photos depicting the violence of the aftermath, the media will provide them for you.
Your news consumption dictates the media provided to you. Moderate yourselves and read outlets that allign with how you'd want these stories covered - responsibly.
HT BuzzFeed
More: People are sharing these pictures in solidarity with Manchester