Marianne Eloise
Jan 08, 2020

Many of us know by now that internships are, essentially, a con.
Unless you're lucky enough to pick up a gold dust placement with an employer that values you enough to pay you for your time, you're likely to lose more than you earn just getting there and back.
By only taking on interns who can afford to go unpaid for their hard work, companies lose out on less privileged talent, and their workforce ends up only being made up of people with family money. As we've gained a better understanding of this dilemma, many companies now offer internships at minimum wage.
Except for this unnamed New York company, who are giving potential interns the once in a lifetime chance them $15 an hour.
Yep, for the privilege of doing low level data analyst work, the interns will have to cough up $15 an hour.
Calling it a "reverse internship", the company required applicants have "strong critical thinking skills" and "some programming experience".
Of course, maybe this is all a trick – by attempting to con applicants, the company are actually inviting them to utilise their strong critical thinking skills and call them out on their bs.
Naturally, people were horrified at the listing:
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