
There’s a whole community of adults who create elaborate storylines for their Barbie dolls


Stop everything because real human adults are creating entire storylines for their Barbie dolls and they're dramatic as hell.

Strap in, because we're actually going to unpack this.

The account in question is called ellie.from.finland and it's run by 25 year old Henna Katariinan from Turku​. It's no exaggeration that she's been posting to the account for years: the first post of nearly five thousand is dated 6 June 2017.

The most impressive thing aside from the sheer dedication that's gone into the account is how freakily human the photos of this Barbie doll are. Through crafty camerawork and tiny realistic props, 'Ellie' comes off like a real Instagram influencer.

indy100 reached out to Katariinan to ask about this unusual hobby, she said:

I respect people who make what they love. I think it is stupid when someone supposes you must be a freak when you have this kind of hobby. This hobby needs a lot of time and making all these rooms, furniture and clothes takes so much time. Everyone who makes miniatures or dolls are artists.

But now let's get stuck into Ellie's story.

We've waded through all 4,495 posts so you don't have to.

At first, things are going steady for Ellie. She's learning violin and dating a handsome long-haired doll named Ben.

But they grow apart. And four months later she announces her new relationship with Miko.

The drama starts when Miko introduces Ellie to his friend Damon. Damon instantly takes a shine to Ellie.

And Ellie likes him back.

Ellie starts a petty fight to break up with Miko, then kisses Damon when he turns up at her door.

Miko comes home and catches them in the act and Ellie tells him that they're no longer together. She starts dating Damon instead.

Still with us?

Okay. Miko turns out to be kind of a dick because he turns up at Ellie's house to rub his new girlfriend in her face.

Ellie doesn't care though, because Damon's tells her he loves her.

Then things really kick up a gear.

One day, Ellie is out walking in the snow when Miko kidnaps her at gunpoint.

But don't worry, because Damon finds them and saves the day.

Then some of the pictures get kind of raunchy?

Damon and Ellie's older brother Matti hatch a plan to kill Miko, but they don't go through with it.

Happier times lie ahead because Ellie and Damon get married!

Goals, tbh.

There's a bit where Ben (remember him?) comes back and declares his feelings to Ellie, but she's having none of it.

Miko also resurfaces to reveal that it was never really Ellie he was stalking: it was Damon all along.

And that pretty much brings ups up to present.

Miko lures Damon into a dark alleyway with him and...

Wow. What a ride.

Ellie's brother Matti breaks the news to her, and she's heartbroken.

But maybe the story will have a happy ending after all, because she's just met Jacob.

Obviously, people are shook.

Oh, and Ellie isn't the only Barbie influencer on Instagram.

Also check out lennonamore and itsisabelcameron.

There's a Sims version!?

There's even a Damon memorial video.

I honestly don't know what to do with this information, but I can never go back to a time before I knew this existed.

Move over Jane Austen.

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