
Why an ice hockey team is condemning white supremacists before Trump

Chet Strange/Getty Images/Twitter

In troubling times for the nation, it seems the United States can turn to the leadership and integrity of the... Detroit Red Wings?

The famous ice hockey team, playing in the NHL, quickly distanced themselves from the surreal use of their logo among hateful signs clutched by white supremacists at a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

An anti-immigration group called the Detroit Right Wings had co-opted their name - and stuck the team's winged symbol on their home-made riot shields too.

But they altered its centre to resemble the lightening bolts of Schutzstaffel, Hitler's SS force.

It didn't take long for the team to swiftly and strongly respond on social media - to their credit.

Many made a troubling comparison with Donald Trump, who avoided directly condemning white supremacists in his tweets about the tragedy in Charlottesville.

The Detroit Right Wings are part of the Identitarian movement, a white nationalist movement stemming from Europe.

More: JK Rowling just took down Trump over the Charlottesville far-right rally in the most epic way

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