
Iain Duncan Smith accused of hypocrisy after calling Momentum's campaign the 'foulest he had ever seen'

Iain Duncan Smith has lashed out at the pro-Corbyn activist group, Momentum, who he has called a "cancer" that ran the "nastiest, foulest campaign" that he has ever seen.

The former Tory minister, was speaking to Iain Dale on LBC Radio on Sunday, just two days after the Conservatives had swept to a resounding victory in the general election.

Duncan Smith retained his seat in Chingford and Woodford Green, fending off a strong campaign from Labour candidate Faiza Shaheen but the Tory wasn't impressed with what he saw on the campaign trail.

Denouncing Momentum, he claimed to have received death threats, saw had female colleagues "chased down the street" and had "dismembered rats" sent to him in the post.

I think this was the nastiest, foulest campaign that I've ever seen fought in my 27 years in Parliament.

We had death threats, we had threats of violence, I had women, female workers chased down the street by carloads of Labour badge-wearing young men, screaming that they're going to smash their face and deal with them.

We had graffiti all over our office, we had a dead rat dismembered rat that came through the mail, which obviously they were hoping somebody would open.

The police had to be called in. We had all this vile abuse on the social media, which was threats of burning the building down, sorting people out, worse to come. I mean, it was astonishing, actually.

He then went on to call the group a "cancer that has now affected body politic."

This cancer that has now affected body politic and I genuinely, genuinely point the finger now this Momentum crowd that have been coming in to support the Labour Party.

They have really shifted the balance and I don't care what anyone says, it is appalling, absolutely appalling. If people don't agree with you, the objective is now to intimidate them off the place and that's not how British politics works.

Shaheen has since denied Duncan Smith's comments, claiming that Momentum actually had nothing to do with her campaign and didn't even encourage activists to go to the seat on election day.

On social media, people have been quick to criticise Duncan Smith's assessment of Momentum, particularly picking on his comments about their campaign being the 'nastiest and foulest' he had ever seen.

For reference, the Tories election campaign involved them changing their Twitter profile to resemble an independent fact-checking organisation, saw their adverts removed from Facebook for being 'misleading' and even saw one of their own MPs say that the victims of the Grenfell fire 'lacked common sense.'

In the wake of his comments, people have been more than happy to remind Duncan Smith of some of these small facts.


More: Iain Duncan Smith caught 'picking his nose and eating it' during Brexit debate​

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