
How the UK is failing miserably on child poverty - in two charts

Picture: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images
Picture: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

The UK has been reprimanded by the UN over its record on reducing inequality among children.

The Unicef report, Fairness for Children, showed that the UK ranked 25th out of 37 wealthy countries for equality levels in children’s reading, maths and science skills at 15 years old.

The UK also saw the biggest difference between rich and poor children for healthy eating…

Socio-economic status and healthy eating:

Picture: Fairness for Children/Unicef

… while also having one of the largest gaps in physical activity.

Socio-economic status and physical activity:

Picture: Fairness for Children/Unicef

Lily Caprani, Unicef’s deputy executive director for the UK, said:

We must be more ambitious for our children. Britain can and must do better. Inequality between children is damaging their lives and aspirations.

The UK Government should adopt, as a matter of urgency, a childhood obesity strategy that promotes and supports healthy lifestyles for low-income children. It must also act to further reduce income inequality, which includes protecting social transfers.

The report also emphasised the importance of a strong welfare system as a tool for reducing inequality, carrying the strong suggestion that the UK government should reconsider its benefit cuts.

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